Visibility in dark themes

When using dark pads are barely visible. Same goes for those little arrows signifying an upstream or downstream connection on pads and IO-Boxes.

And the navigation in darkflat.

Could just be my screen(s)…

The top left menu looks somewhat deactivated in darkflat

thanks, noted.
darkflat shouldn’t be in the build, it’s not maintained, our mistake.

oh no I’m digging the dark look, patches now look h4x0rz

the official dark theme is still the default, there was a second experimental darkflat.css shipped, it got removed in latest builds. it will be back once we fixed all glitches with the new css format and then everyone can start building their own, if they want.

When a node is selected its pins are hard to spot.

“Close buttons” in nodebrowser could be more prominent

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close buttons fixed for upcoming


thanks for reporting. build 177 should fix all those, see: vvvv gamma 2019.1 - preview | vvvv

Accumulators & Inlets/Outlets in nested regions.

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fixed in preview 200, please see here: vvvv gamma 2019.1 - preview | vvvv

Searchfield of Nodebrowser after “closing” a previously selected category.

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