Hey! As it came up yesterday in the chat: I think the shortcut from beta to group nodes into a subpatch or rather a Process (like it’s called these days) is badly missed.
The UX is pretty straight-forward here I think - select nodes, Ctrl+G and then a process with all inputs and outputs is created on the definitions of the document.
In my opinion it is also a great narrative to introduce the definitions side, by explaining where the process has gone after grouping nodes.
You can already do that on process nodes, per-operation.
Here the Toggle is enabling/disabling the Update operation inside the process that just logs an LFO to the console.
If you create an operation in a Process Node that does not have input pins, vvvv will give you this bool input that you can enable or disable from the outside to run the operation or not.
If you create an operation that has input pins, you have to right-click/configure the node to show the bool that controls whether the operation runs or not.
Here the LogSomeString operation inside the process node. It has an input pin, so soon as I connect something to it it starts running.
Ah, yes I guess that does not work anymore because if something is connected downstream then disabling this operation could have side effects…
I would suggest writing the result to a pad and create an operation that just reads from that pad. Like that you can disable the operation that writes to it, but the result would still exist if someone needs to consume it downstream.
Allowing myself to bump that one again : refactoring ImGUI patches is super-extremely-hardcore when you have to copy nodes, put them in a Process and recreate/reconnect all inputs manually, with the risk of forgetting what was connected where.
I often end up CTRL + Z to remind me of what I had or taking screenshot of what the patch looked like to redo in in the new Process.
Literally what I was doing all day yesterday. I started taking a bunch of nodes, trying to remember where everything was connected, Ctrl-X, create a process, paste everything in, create in/outputs, go back to the original place, delete the highlighted nodes, put in the new process node… and immediately have forgotten where everything went. Undo… make a note of it… redo… repeat.
If all of this could have been done in more or less not more than 3 clicks, I would be so happy. Moving the process node to a sensible place, naming it correctly, etc. all this can be done afterwards easily.
So yes, +100 for this!!
ps: @sebescudie: cool little related workaround for imgui I found - often you have to surround stuff with a region, say CollapsingHeader. Just select the nodes > surround with an If, double-click the if, remove the categories and search for CollapsingHeader to replace. Works great and much faster than placing the region, drag everything in, reconnect, etc. Of course it would be nicer if the “surround with” would be able to show more than the defaults, maybe in a submenu.