Hi all
It is quite annoying that it is difficult to stow away the help browser. It wants to be on top when it is open.
It can not be dragged down to only show a little of the top of the help window
Hi all
It is quite annoying that it is difficult to stow away the help browser. It wants to be on top when it is open.
It can not be dragged down to only show a little of the top of the help window
You could try to toggle with this always on top tool:
And did you use the latest previews? there you can dock and tab it with other windows:
I think he wants the opposite, that it is not staying on top in the recent previews, when dragged out of the docking system.
Also mentioned that here:
Correct @chk it is quite difficult to get out of the way if you don’t want to close the window
I agree, the behavior that you cannot push the window below the taskbar is strange. No other window behaves like that and it’s normally very handy, especially on small screens or when using a laptop.