
Hello !

I’m recently playing with gamma and I’d like to use YOLO. My question is simple and maybe obvious, but which version of Yolo .weights files are supported by vvvv gamma ?

Thanks !


If you install VL.OpenCV, there are two help patches about YOLO :

They provide links to download .cfg, .weights and labels.


Sure I actually ask my question after playing with theses help patches.
But I would like to train my own model, and from what I’m reading, I think I will face compatibility problems. It seems that YOLO V11 output .pt files.

I’m really not confident in what I’m saying, as it will be my first project with Yolo. But I worried spending time on learning how to train a model, and finally not being able to use it in my vvvv gamma project because it’s supporting only V3 version an .weigts files.

From what I’m reading, Yolo V11 is the lastest and fastest version actually available : Yolo graph

Finally my question is, is it possible to use .pt model with gamma ?

Thanks by advance!

@rogerlette Hi there.

If you enable ‘Browsable Packages’ in the top right burger menu, you can open the source node. See how it works and whether anything needs to be changed to load new models. However, VL.OpenCV is largely a custom library and may not keep up with the trend. On the other hand, it contains hints on how to write the add-on you personally need.

Try to do some research before you have to train your own model to see if it’s right for you.

I would like to note that if the OpenCV version used in the extension meets the requirements to run the models you mentioned, it is possible to run these models in gamma. However, if the nodes provided do not run the models you need, you will need to either write new nodes or modify the existing ones. This is usually done by looking at the C# source code.

Hello @yar,

Thanks for the information about “browsable packages”. Actually I’m not confident into modifying or creating my own node, moreover when it’s about complex stuff like computer vision.

I spend my sunday playing with python and YOLO. It looks much easier to stay in python, and send datas to vvvv.


Working on my project I noticed @dani21s (thanks a lot!) did this nuget which is actually exactly what I would need to run YoloV11 inside vvvv !

Unfortunatly I just tried to install it, in the command line, it say everything successfully installed, but when I tried to set VL.YoloDotNet dependancy to my patch, I got this on the node :

I have no idea how to solve this ?
Thanks for your help,


Looks very promising.
Any chance you could share the patch and any additional information about the nugget you used?

Could it be some native dependencies that vvvv is not able to pick up? You could try placing the native dlls next to vvvv.exe as a workaround to see if that fixes the issue.

It’s most like that one:

And the problem is pobably related to this:

Hi @rogerlette,
which gamma version are you using?
The bug was fixed by @Elias on gamma 6.7.16x, so now you need gamma-preview 7.xx.or follow the workaround suggested by @sebescudie
VL.YoloDotNet is based on YoloDotNet 2.0, so only YoloV8 and YoloV10 are compatible.

yar, sebescudie, bjoern, dani21s,

Thanks a lot and sorry for the late reply, I could not find time to test before this week-end.
With the last preview, it’s working perfectly out of the box !

Thanks dani21s for the Nuget !

Have a nice week-end !