I like the “WithinSpace” Node from SKIA and want to use the same function in STRIDE (IRenderer, RenderWindow …) I have a Spread of Pixel based Values (XY Size and XY Position on a FullHD Space) - very easy with WithinSpace from SKIA but cannot find a similar node in STRIDE. WithinCommonSpace and WithinVirtualScreenSpace I have no sucess or do not understand the pipeline, when I use them with a QuadRenderer and a TransformSRT, which I feed with Pixel based Values - it is not happening what I expect
@tonfilm thanks, I know, I work with the latest preview
I tried now a little bit more and think the Node “WithinVirtualScreenSpace” does the job of “WithinSpace” - there is a Switch in Y-Direction (so remap) and there is a problem with “QuadRenderer” changing Anchor DOESNOTHING but I need.
here an example - it should look the same - but I cannot figure out
yes, that could be considered a bug, thanks for spotting this.
but if the scaling and the pixel size of the sprite texture always match, you can just use the original size and ignore the scaling values. this also simplifies the patch a bit:
@antokhio ah, now I see, sry but this forum preview feature showed the wrong text and I was then also focused on the wrong posts - but yes the hint is correct - the STRIDE version of SKIA “WithinSpace” are the new “WithinCommonSpace” and “WithinVirtualScreenSpace” at the beginning I was using them wong plus the problem with the QuadRenderer
@tonfilm yes true for this situation I can use it that way - thanks - but in another case (I have here an Kinect based App) I need the scale by spreads.
And do you mean with “something like this should of course be done with sprites:” to use the textures in VLMARIO example like sprites - or that the pipeline QuadRenderer (Size) is important for Sprites
But in the end I kind of understand my Problem I had when I start to use my SKIA transformations in STRIDE and wait for updated QUADRENDERER