Which paths there are to get a crisp look

I am playing around with a draggable world to get a better unstanding of the 3d things

right click drags the world and a couple of buttons around.

ok, my questions:
how can I get a better seam with the phongdirectional node. when I’m increasing the x resolution of the sphere it will be better, but not perfect.

how can I improve the resolution of the quads and the text nodes, or should I do this thing with 3d objects? the scene should look more crisp…

the fog in the renderstate queue doesn’t work. erverything gets white. (in the 4 room note it looks fine, I didn’t see my mistake.

How can I add shadows or some glows? Should I use things like the MRE? where can I get more infos an this point?

vvvv_drehung.zip (418.5 kB)

Hallo mister gap,

In the patch you attached, I don’t see any Texts or Quads, and the ´seam´ looks okay, all I see is a globe with a pan/tilt slider.

@ DEVS: STILL WANT A FEATURE SO HE CAN JUST COLLECT ALL THE FILES OF THE CURRENT PATCH!! (and give a warning that it ignores dynamic links)

Now, the good news, we already have an interactive globe, so check this folder in girlpower: girlpower\IO\Web\04_VVVV User Map Example

I did some shadows for my beginners clock tutorials, so learn all about renderpasses here: bonus-tutorial-the-clock-3-add-shadows

f… wrong zip.

I’ll have a look at the map example and your shadow tutorial.


vvvv_worlddrag.zip (360.8 kB)

Ahh… okay, now we know what you talking about, need to check this out, not the 3D expert here ;( But enable Anti-Aliasing in the renderer, and it would be sharper.

ok, the seamless sphere texture is fixed with the line Wrap0 = U inside the shader.

but how to fake some shadows…


if you want to create the illusion of the Planet having visible mountains etc you can take your dif Texture and create a Normal Map using ( for example ) xNormal → http://www.xnormal.net/ and its Heightmap to Normalmap feature.

In VVVV u will need to use a shader with Normal/Bump features.

Heres an example i created with dynamic normal map.


Or do you mean shadows from the Textfields on the planet?

shadows form the textfields on the planet would be nice