What Do I enter in RS232?

Okay, bee reading and trying, and I can’t seem to figure out what kind off string I have to put in the IO Box (string) that is connected to the Input pin off the RS232 node.

I know my device works (a kramer 8x8 video switch), because I can use it with the proper software. But offcours, I prefer vvvv anyday ;)

In my manual there is a Table of Hex Codes for Serial Communication.
Example: 01 83 84 81 = put video INPUT3 to video OUTPUT4.

I already found at that when I translate my Output with the BYTE (string) node, I get the same values as mentioned in my manual, only now it is 41 83 84 81, don’t know how that comes. (first number susposes to be device number).

No my main question, what do I enter in the string that is connected to the input pin off my rs232 node??

And is there a BYTE (string) reverse node?? so I can translate 01 83 84 81 and see if that works??

And type off text is this Aƒ„� or A€€� ??

0#8.jpg (31.0 kB)

Hi West
I simply copied and pasted what I recieved when I manaully switched the matrix into the send section of the patch.
Not very neat but it seemed to work


What goes in is not the same as what goes out, I am afrraid.

Well, already figured out that I was dealing with ASCII code here.

Big troubles is that 01 (hex) in ASCII is not a key.
and that 81 (hex) is not on my keyboard (or font??)

So basicly, I can’t seem to use RS232 node :'(

Getting prety clueless on how to comminicate with my RS232 device.

Any ideas if I can just pump in 8bits off data (0 and 1) to make it work?

But thnx for thinking Cat!!

first, this is a very good topic for a faq. second - there are some nodes missing to make everything as simple as it is supposed to be. my fault.

thing to know: SpellValue set to ASCII mode will create the ascii character with a given number. so the general strategy is having a spread with your values, convert them to ascii with SpellValue and do a spectral string add, to make one big string out of them.

another thing to know regarding hexadecimal numbers:

you can enter numbers in vvvv only as decimal numbers. also vvvv displays numbers always in decimal. your manual specifies hexadecimal numbers. to enter them in vvvv you need to convert them to the decimal representation
01hex, 83hex, 84hex, 81hex = 0, 131, 132, 129
http://www.pcnineoneone.com/text/hex.txt seems to contain a good introduction to hex. windows’ good old calc.exe has a “scientific” mode which in handy converting from hex to decimal.

for the method catweasel was proposing: take care:

there is still a known bug in vvvv, which makes it impossible to load patches containing certian ascii characters smaller than 31. for serial communications its quite common to use these characters. if you have patches which do not open again when saved, take an ascii editor and remove these characters.
so for now it is safer to create these characters from regular numbers with spellvalue.

Hehe, I kind off tried spellvalue offcours, but when I didn’t saw any output in my IOBox, I figured it didn’t work. But offcours that was a silly conclusion, because what was I suposed to see with values below 31??

And I forgot the + (String Spectral) node.

Thnx for the help, will be able to figure it out now, and one thing: 01hex = 1 decimal ;)

It works :) Thnx oschatz, very kind off you.

I patched this at record speed, prety happy with it, now I have to make some tricks, that will let, for example, move input 1 to all the outputs, 1 every second (or beat, or whatever).

This is the Hex Code table it is based on (copied it from the manual):


And I attached the Patch.

Working on a new wiki page, with this device and the Edirol V4. Thnx all for the help!!

Kramer8x8switcher.v4p (39.8 kB)

OMG, Kalle already made a Hex → Decimal converter Patch!!!

Was thinking about making one all day long, you should realy put this in the next release off vvvv!!

I kind off tried spellvalue offcours, but when I didn’t saw any output in my IOBox, I figured it didn’t work

thats basically the only use of the Byte node in its current incarnation…

The helpfile for Byte (string) says it transforms to ASCII code, but that should be hexadecimal I think, can’t also think off an other function for this node (but still glad it is there)

I just finished a small piece off text, trying to explain the RS232 (Devices) node a bit more, feel free to use it. (comes next to the part off the Kramer Patch)