I’ve been wanting to play with the algorithm for a long time, but the technical level of Gamma hasn’t allowed me to achieve the desired result. Now I can’t believe that I’ve been able to build a whole application to create such images.
However, I’ve encountered a number of difficulties that are still difficult to resolve. Some due to bugs in imgui, some for other reasons. Trying to figure out how the original library works, coupled with the complex development of an entire application, has almost worn me out, so I decided to take a break for now and share the resulting application with anyone who wants to take a look at it. The result is perhaps a bit disordered and dark inside, perhaps the whole thing is a bit over-engineered. Definitely full of bugs.
Since I wasn’t planning a serious publication explaining how it works and what you need to click to make it work for you, I’m posting it as an artefact or cryptic game. If you manage to run it and even get some results, then consider yourself a winner.
_debroglie.vl (1.1 MB)
ImguiDragDrop.vl (88.9 KB)