Using 22.5.0-0415
Another glitch with the grid on top of a link, although I am asking myself if I am the one who has a problem here… but anyways, might be related?
You aren’t
Renamed the topic, so it can be a collection for all weird display bugs I encounter.
I just noticed that yellow sockets dissapear when a node is moved using the arrow keys. Here is a patch that demonstrates this.
YellowSocketBug.vl (10.2 KB)
To reproduce:
- Select one node or multiple nodes
- Move them 1px in any direction using the arrow keys
- The sockets underneath the KeyPressed nodes dissapear
- Use the mouse to set a new value for the text size
- After releasing the mouse, the sockets appear again
Probably related to the yellow socket bug like described above?
Yellow sockets still being funky. This time I also noticed they sometimes completely disappear after changing a value in an IOBox, and re-appear when exiting the IOBox.
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