sendString (websocket) behaves different to the websocket pack in beta. when i send a string with the beta websocket server, i get the same string in chrome dev console data:{“State”:“text”}
when i try the exact same thing with gamma with sendString, i get something called “blob”, looks like this is some array of bytes or something, just no string. looking inside the node in gamma shows some mutable bytes stuff going into the watson sendAsync. any idea how i can make this more compatible with the webworld, really sending a string instead of bytes ?
indeed, this was the case. thanks for the pointer.
at the time of implementation, the underlying lib didn’t have support for messagetype “text” yet. meanwhile it’s available and i’ve updated the nuget accordingly. see version 0.2.0-alpha of VL.IO.WebSocket
thanks, i tried the nuget, it is capable of sending strings but you need to change the patch and choose the right send async with string input, which wasn’t done in the nuget.