So there is a web interface for vvvv, sitting in the girlpower all this time… what a find! But it doesn t work in my case, i get to localhost/myURL but nothing happens, I tried to change the port but nothing … the only thing that comes to my mind is that I have xampp installed but it s not running, all services are down.
Any idea?
There is a validate pin on on the first XSLT node in the patch. turning off validation worked for me.
yes!.. no text …
a couple of questions…
-I see there are images and .css files (and a color picker) but when I load the web interface I just see a very plane HTML, if I look into it I see how the scripts and css files are not loaded properly, which one is considered as root folder of the html file?
-I d like to implement a file loader but before I dig into the new html5 file loader I am here to ask if anybody has done that before