Vvvv gamma guide for absolute beginner

I am a 39-year-old Iranian concept designer and I have no experience in programming. But I am curious to get to know this environment for fun and learn a new skill. What confuses me is that the tutorial videos don’t help solve or brainstorm new problems. Is there a source for structural and in depth familiarity with this environment?

did you have already a look on the graybook ?

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Yes, i did but became a little bit confused.
Where shoud I start?

then you may want to check these playlists first:

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkCvVja4YlY&list=PLBTgwgsWWcT_VMMrwsy3Ao7_ubazEGL4s

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A69NRQ19gRc&list=PLBTgwgsWWcT-G9lk-IlKLkGZJ9NnXcuBV&index=12

and these amazing tutorials by @Takuma

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqt6Y9TDYC0&list=PLK3HDkvkLePThFo_sp9hPuue_61nxkQOM&index=12
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Also check out the tutorial series from Node20, all on Vimeo:

For example these two would be a good starting point:

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Thank you. It a great help.

Also relevant for this topic:


thank you.

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