Since recently word of a beta25 is floating around and the devvvvs seem to be even harder at work, I thought I’d share some bugs and ideas I had regarding VVVVs interface in the hope that some of these might not come as a distraction from more important improvements but as pointers to little itches that could be scratched along the way :)
But first things first, I really like the recent changes introduced in 24(.1), like middle-click I/OBox generation, red nodes, IPluginInterfaceV2, Vector-I/OBoxes in Quicknodes, etc… lovely stuff, and I haven’t felt the need to switch back to beta23 :)
Now the bugs and wishes. These are all just related to the interface of VVVV. And most are small things. Here goes:
Interface Bugs:
I/OBox having been set to ColsRowsPages once and then (back) to Input will not again display empty space when having less than ColsRows slices.
*When you start resizing an I/OBox (String) in comment mode (i.e. light background) by dragging the bottom edge its height will be automatically decreased by one or two pixels as soon as you move the mouse. Only slightly annoying, but it is.
*Creating an I/OBox with middle click when far to the left so that the created I/OBox will be partly in negative coordinates causes the connection not to be established.
*Moving I/OBoxes past the left or upper limit is generally weird, with the display area of the node being separated from the node bounds.
*While patching I/OBoxes will often lose their render area and just show “I/O”. This happens frequently (several times in a minute) since my switch to beta24 and Win7 (don’t know who’s the culprit exactly). This is reproduceable by starting a link creation (from any node) and circling closely around an I/OBox for a while without ever hovering it.
*Code completion needs to be less invasive - much less.
*Bracket pairing in CodeEditor doesn’t like comments in between, also //-comments in the same line as an if will not be grayed out. Actual parsing is not affected.
*It would be nice if the CodeEditor remembered its window size. The standard is higher than my monitor (800px minus taskbar) and I have to resize every time by dragging to a screen edge (good that win7 has this feature).
*When the view is scrolled to the right then the up-and-down movement of the cursor get’s whacky (on pressing up/down the cursor is displaced to the right by roughly the distance the view has from the left border)
Interface wishlist:
*When writing in a multirowed/-columned IO-Box pressing TAB goes to next slice in write mode.
::{img src = “tab iobox.png”}::
*Connection line control points are rendered on top of I/OBoxes. I move quite a lot of I/OBoxes around when refining connection layout.
*Dragging VHV lines anywhere on the horizontal part to move the line up & down
*When only a single node is selected Ctrl+L/Align moves the node horizontally so the node’s first output pin will be directly above its destination pin (because I just go OCD when it comes to patch layout)
::{img src = “singlealign.png”}::