I´ve been trying to get my Sony Z1 working via firewire for a while now.
As expected VideoIn does not work as its a MPEG-2 source, so I gave the VLC plugin a try. I can open the device in VLC and see the stream quite nice deinterlaced with some latency (later on that… I remember seeing it better on XP in the past.)
So I copied the dshow path and replaced : with |, this is the result:
dshow:// | dshow-vdev=Sony HVR-Z1E | dshow-adev= | dshow-caching=200
Console tells me:
A0+ DoubleTexture created…
A0+ B (FRONT) dshow:// | dshow-vdev=Sony HVR-Z1E | dshow-adev= | dshow-caching=200 Created new texture (2x2) for device 70737792.
A0+ UpdateDeviceData FRONT=front B Disposing double texture on device 70737792
I can hear the sound from the cam mic, but I only see a pink screen. I could see the picture once, but after saving and restarting V4 it was gone.
Any ideas what could be the cause?