
End of October '22 a friend asked me if I could make a collection of nodes for him that he should definitely know when learning Gamma. So during Nodevember I sat down going through every single node in the node browser to do so. The outcome now is a beginner tutorial series of 42 patches and topics, covering everything from A to VL and Vector4 (Split).

Part I: The Initial Singularity

  1. Introduction
  2. Types & IOBoxes
  3. Nodes & Pins
  4. Simple Math
  5. Type Conversion
  6. Colors
  7. Strings
  8. Errors

Part II: The Subatomic Particles

  1. 2D Rendering
  2. 3D Rendering
  3. Complex Types
  4. Process Nodes
  5. Video & Camera Input
  6. Texture Sources & Effects
  7. Mixing Skia & Stride
  8. Control Patches
  9. Animation
  10. Typography
  11. Transformations

Part III: The Cosmic Inflation

  1. Spreads
  2. Iteration
  3. Spread Generators
  4. Looping Techniques
  5. Pads
  6. Update & Create
  7. Managing Spreads
  8. Dictionaries

Part IV: The Primordial Soup

  1. Mouse Input
  2. Collision
  3. Triggers & Flops
  4. Counting
  5. Keyboard Input
  6. Audio Input
  7. Boolean Logic
  8. Ranges
  9. Angles
  10. Transitions
  11. Algorithms

Part V: The Origin of Life

  1. Operations WIP
  2. Mutability vs. Immutability WIP
  3. Object-Oriented Patching WIP
  4. Records & Classes WIP
  5. The Lifecycle of an Object WIP

Part VI: The Foundations of Culture

  1. Time WIP
  2. File Access WIP
  3. Serialization WIP
  4. Data Structures WIP
  5. Networking WIP
  6. State Management WIP
  7. User Interfaces WIP

Part VII: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

  1. Project Structure WIP
  2. Creating a Library WIP
  3. Mutable Collections WIP
  4. Reactive Programming WIP
  5. Interfaces WIP
  6. Design Patterns WIP


nuget install VL.TheBigBang

Some dogmas I had during the creation:

  • All nodes are only from the standard set in the node browser.
  • 2D and 3D drawing is treated and taught completely equally, all principles are presented for Skia and Stride.
  • No node is ever used that is not explained in the current patch or hasn’t been in one of the previous ones.
  • Focus on clear principles and try not to go extremely complex.

Have fun exploring and bussi baba!


cool Thanks. I’ll would happily recommand those patches to my students.

Me too! wishing to see them.

The tutorials are up and can be installed as a Nuget!

nuget install VL.TheBigBang


Have fun and let me know if there are questions or issues!


@chk just went through these, They’re brilliant.

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Cool nuget, aswome contrib! thx!

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I started releasing a video tutorial series based on this nuget on YouTube.

Check it out in the other thread:
Video Tutorial Series for Absolute Beginners of VL


The quality of the videos is impressive. Great job and keep it coming!


If you enjoy these patches and find them helpful, please consider supporting me on Ko-Fi!

Special thanks to @remony and @motzi for proof-reading!


Hey vvvvolks! I updated the nuget so it works with the upcoming version 6.0, did some patch housekeeping and added a few WIP patches about topics I plan to add to the tutorial in the future.

But most important is to mention: I renamed it to VL.TheBigBang!
From now on make sure to use the following command to install it:

nuget install VL.TheBigBang

Please let me know if you still encounter issues that need to be fixed for the next stable. Thanks!


New in version 6.1.0 - a chapter about Dictionaries.