
a small wip, that demoes some richtext thingys and also comes with a hyphenator.
based on a fork of TopTen.RichTextKit and NHunspell

Make sure to have the original nuget of TopTen.RichTextKit not installed.

let’s have a chat about these things in general and this implementation in particular!

VL.RichTextKit.7z (415.4 KB)


Hey, looks really cool in your demo. I have some problems getting this to work. There is one missing nuget that cant load and a bunch of nodes that try to reference VL.Richstring.vl, MeasureParagraphs for example. tried in gamma 3.2 and latest preview.

No idea what’s exactly wrong there. Maybe try opening the VL.richtextkit.vl and see if that one has red nodes and fix those (by installing dependencies)

Hey, so the VL.RichString.vl file is not included in the zip, theres only a helpfile called TEST-RichString.vl. When i open the helpfile it opens new skia windows every frame. The missing nugets ive been able to install.

ah, i just discovered, that also on my pc it only opens with 2021.4 previews. can you confirm that?

VL.RichString.vl isn’t a thing. where did you read it? the lib is in VL.RichTextKit.vl. if there are no red nodes, it should work

this is where it expects the missing VL.RichString.vl

dlls.zip (885.2 KB)
can you try to add those dlls into the folder and replace the existing ones?

somehow the dlls in the zip werent the latest ones i guess. and also, the harfbuzzsharp can be placed next to those, so you don’t need to add the nuget (in case that also failed)

Hi, @sebl,
I just gave it a try with dlls.Everything looks okay except the hyphentor for me too. I had to install the nuget to get rid of the red nodes:

yes, i didn’t assume the hnhunspell nuget installs automatically, since all of this isn’t a nuget where dependencies get installed automatically.

glad it works now and please share your opinions

also note that this is 2 projects badly packed into one. the hyphenator has nothing to do with the richtext. i just needed both of them for a project so they are bundled fere and for now.

First impression: great! (But how do I - oh! But what about - Oh!)

Setting fonts is maybe a bit of an issue, though. In the example The fonts needed to be known by name to be called and from the system-installed fonts(I assume). If I compile an application and want to include a font in a folder I can use ‘Skia.Text.TypefaceFromFile()’.

So there’s that, but in general this is a very useful tool for setting text. I’ll have to play with it more to find some holes…

Maybe vertical alignment. Your example concentrates on DIP screen spaces from the top left. If a maximum height has been set perhaps text can appear in the middle of that space

revoking this old thread…

There’s a repo containing everything for current VVVV gamma 5.3:

and a small teaser


some quirks here and there (i probably won’t ever fix) but all in all it’s fun and quite workey:

maybe some testers can give it a testrun before spamming nuget.org?


works for me with preview 0377, but did no fancy stuff

works and feels nice. also much better handling than the skia text and more options like markup!, letter spacing and wider font weight settings (if the font has more weights than 4, skia´s enum wont cover them). + language specific hyphenation!
will use it for a current project now and come back with any findings.

  1. What is the reasoning behind the markup parsing? not sure why it feels so complex. it works fine, without looking to deep into the problem, just curious why it is built like that.

  2. Should the SkiaPaint pin on the DrawRichString node work? Tried to use it but nothing happens. Was thinking if i could somehow add dropshadow or anything other paint related.

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  1. it was the simplest way for me to implement it and also can be extended to parse html.
  2. this pin does nothing ATM.
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ok, now we have a situation that breaks this pack.

looks like VL is shipping with its own version of RichTextKit since this commit. that dependency is picked up early and so the pack’s
modified version of the dependency isn’t loaded.

In theory, this pack could also reference the latest official (0.4.167) but it would then lack the additions i made. This is mainly:

  • hyphenation support
  • caching of some properties for drawing
  • alpha parameter added to Paint()

Let’s discuss if and if so, how we merge this.

mentioning @joreg here, since he’s the author of the above mentioned commit

is there a chance you could PR your changes to the original library?

yes, testing that atm.

that would be best, but there’s some vl specific changes they won’t accept upstream

i merged my branch into the HEAD for now as you can see here

can you maybe check, if that build also fits in vl.skia?

here’s a binary for your convenience:
net8.0.7z (114.9 KB)

either, if topten accepts a PR or if we make a fork, the resulting dll would be this one.

i got it running again, hopefully aligned with your changes.

you can test it like that:

here’s a way to include the dll in the standardlibs. That could be an intermediate step to align the dependencies until we have a proper pr or fork.