August 16, 2018, 11:49am
here is a very basic setup to get started with developing an mqtt lib for vl. it is referencing the M2MqttDotnetCore nuget.
extract into a directory like “c:\vl-libs”
run vvvv.exe with a commandline argument: /package-repositories “C:\vl-libs”
open vvvv\girlpower\demo and see the red node
rightclick it to open the vl editor, then follow the red entry in the menu and rightclick the missing dependency to install it
now available as git repo: GitHub - vvvv/VL.IO.M2MQTT: MQTT client for vl
and prerelease nuget: NuGet Gallery | VL.IO.M2MQTT 0.4.1-alpha
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June 27, 2020, 1:53pm
VL.IO.M2MQTT is nice and handy also works immediately BUT
here it disconnects after a while - wouldn’t be a big thing BUT
can only reconnect when I do F8 and F5 - nothing else is working and the node also “blink pink” error when I try port change - enable change … and also cannot find inside the node where the problem is
July 11, 2020, 1:07pm
an issue for the underlying library sounds similar: Connection get lost after some minutes of inactivity · Issue #97 · eclipse-paho/paho.mqtt.m2mqtt · GitHub
do you have periods of inactivity like explained there? can you try if it makes a difference if you have a periodic dummy-request just to keep the connection?