
Hello there ! Was really busy last month, but as i told in last meetup here we have a first glampse of the megascans importer. First step is to look forward if the importer APP behaves the same to everybody before publish any git and look forward to a generic json for gamma materials.
what i post here is the first alpha prerelease of the importer app, as i found weird issues when i run it on another computers apart from the dev one , needs to be checked .
So i need some help testing if it works allright in other users computers.
Take your hands on it to test, as i said is a very prearly test.
You should do this steps to make bridge works allright with the importer
-Open your Quixel Bridge app.
-In export settings select Custom Socket export and choose your port.
-In export settings make sure to set your textures (Displacement) in jpg format. By default is the only texture you need to change format.
-once done export and check if the app retrieves the same surface.
-By the moment the app only support Megascans Surface type, so dont try to export meshes or foliage.
Load time of the app is not as fast as i desired, so when opening be patient please

to be fixed: Many things, app is still in development not ready for release, just anticipating user problems
As i mention in this post : What about DB folder in gamma? - #4 by tonfilm - question - Forum
if you see the app folder size increase, just delete the /lib/db folder, dont know if it works in other computers after that.
Also recomend to export i up to dxt5 as bc6 bc7 formats could compromise the exporter and run in a infinite loop.

please send all the reports to make this tool work 4 all i have good vibrations about it.

PD> the MGAsset node will be avaliable soon to test as nuget.


The tool should look like this after import a bridge surface



great project!

I tried exporting the free “concrete damaged” asset. and this is what it looks like on my machine.
when exporting it crashed, but encoded the albedo and ao map.

Hi schlonzo. Thanks for feedback.As i Saw in other machines this release behaves weird. Seems was a vvvv gamma when export apps
versión bug but as i Saw in element should be fixed in new previews Will upload new versión ASAP . The Crash of the exporter could be about Bridge and exr. You should choose to export all texture as jpg or PNG in settings.

This project seems like a good candidate for a Gamma Editor Extension. I’d be happy to help

@Hadasi Yes that a super good idea i thought about that. i will check the project folder and we can talk to implement it, super cool if you can contriute as by now im quite busy.
Lets get in touch!

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