Here we’re getting started to support ZeroMQ (via NetMQ) for vl.

For now this has the Publisher/Subscriber and XPublisher/XSubscriber (via a proxy) patterns implemented.

Note that, in order to get this running, you’ll need to build the visualstudio sln once!


update 28 07 19: now available as nuget, installable via commandline. see github link for howto.


Hi, this seems super useful, especially considering this was powering the multiplayer experience in Ocean of Air (which I sadly missed :( ). Is there a reason it’s not distributed as a nuget? The installation is slightly tedious with having to build it and also it’s harder to notice if you’re not looking for it.

If you don’t plan to, would you mind if I wrapped it and put it up in the gallery?

this will most likely be included with main download. the only reason it is not yet published as a pack, is that it needs another round of qualitycontrol. but it is on the list…