Hello Svvvveeties, after the release of gamma preview i was very curious to learn this new amazing tool,
and to take the step to change my mind from my vvvv routines to learn this new language,
this is my first experience with vl and gamma , understanding how to structure applications and discovering new nodes.
i come across with and old idea i had about to create a GIF mixer that takes by url the files and the possibility to mix them in realtime ,and save them too locally , GIF player was not reliable in v4, but it is in Gamma.
I created first an implementation of Giphy Api Dotnet, so you are able to search and get gifs by tags, query and other nice things, after that i tried to use Skia to create a player , but i discovered that, at the moment, there are some bugs loading gifs, also still found bugs in HTTP get node,
when you try to decode urls.

So i decide to search for a nuget to decode them, after search and try, i find gifed, wich is very simple,
for a newbie who want to port a library to vl.
i get it work , and with a very high performance, the only problem by the moment is Memory ,
when GIFs are big in size.
It was a super nice intro to understand how gamma works, im really glad about async tasks…
makes life much easier…and about how to structure the development.
Although Sure there are plenty of mistakes and ways to do the things better, i want to share to continue developing it… included are example and some assets.
You can save instantly any gif from gyphy in async…while you are mixing it
i think it can be useful for those who are starting on vl, so here we go…
Get your favourite gif, save it and instantly is added to you mixer,nice isnt?
Please i expect feedbacks,cos by the moment the documentation is very limited for VL. and sometimes very easy tasks becomes a really asspain that feels nice when you achieve.
Included are>
VL.Gifed Player

Enjoy Gifing
VL.GammaGifMix.zip (3.3 MB)


works nicely, thanks for sharing!

hi Aka, thanks for Gifing

i tried but couldn’t get GiphySearch to work - GiphyClient “no value observed” - (AuthKey) ?
when I try
“http://api.giphy.com/v1/stickers/search?q=cat&api_key=dc6zaTOxFJmzC” in the browser
{“message”:“API rate limit exceeded”}
I’m not so familiar with this - what’s going on?

When I use the LocalFiles (GIF) - Player works nice, Saver works, MediaBln works - everything ok


Hi @CeeYaa you should use a private key for the api, the public one stopped working dont know why.
So the best is to create a developer account in giphy and create and app with your own api key.

Hope this helps, im preparing an update but summer seems busy.

thanks for the fast answer
this is what i thought but good to hear it from you
so giphy public key not working

i generate my own API-Key and it worked in the ChromeBrowser
but not in VL with GiphyClient (No value observed)

But really no Stress - just wanted to tryout and play and inform you
