
Here is a quick implementation for rendering the scenes in the Domemaster format following instructions by the dome master himself.

VL.Domemaster.zip (1.4 MB)


It seems to open nicely in current previews, but can it be that there is only definitions, and no example patch?

hm… but there are two examples in the .zip file?!

moments later:
Thanks @joreg it works fine except for one detail
I am back at this at doing some testing and noticing that the mesh is squeezed. In the attached patch and image, you can see some strategically placed spheres squeezed the same all the way around.
VL.Domemaster.zip (1.4 MB)

I am also noticing that the texture resolution on each mesh is fixed to 720p. For now, It seems like a plan to halve the resolution in both X and Y.

Yeah, that definitely doesn’t look right. I also played with the help patch and there is definitely different distortion top/bottom than left/right, which shouldn’t be there.

i can reproduce that with the Domemaster (180) but not with the Domemaster (240) node. i’ve updated the .zip file in my initial post above with spheres around to show this. i’m wondering if the 180 version is even needed if the 240 works, since it could always be cut off?

true. added that fix also.

Just had a quick play with the 240 version. Yes, that has no distortion around the circle, so should be usable.

I believe if you set the Ortho from 2 to 1.5 you now have a 180 degree field of view. If it is “correct” would have to be tested in a dome. I will do that next time I am at my friends’ 12m dome, where I want to test out vvvv anyways and report back.

At Ortho width 1.5 if you place the camera at height 0, you have the horizon exactly on the edge of the circle.

I would actually argue that you should remove the 180 version. The distortion is simply wrong and will not look correct in a dome.

The 240 version does look correct

One thing that popped up, is that the path to the meshes does not work out of the box and it is necessary to navigate to the folder containing them and refresh the directory node.

I modified Domemaster (240) to behave better and be able to switch between 240 and 180 and renamed it to just Domemaster.

I also changed it to use Disc as suggested in the comment

here is an updated version, @joreg and @seltzdesign can you please check that it is behaving as expected?

Domemaster_240_180.zip (1.2 MB)

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I can probably check in a dome next week

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Just checked today, it is correct in the dome