1.) I just installed the last stable (after already having a newer preview installed) and did not register the filetype “.vl” to 4.0 as standard.
2.) Right-Click → Open with → File Dialog … (see video)
But it does
a) not appear in the list for possible programs for “open with” (also not after the next step) b) even if I manually select it in the dialog it opens not with 4.0 but with the old stable 3.3 instead.
whereas: if 4.0 is already runnnig, it does open this way in 4.0 - but still having to go the long way “Open with” → Choose other app → Explorer File dialog…
So the only way to open patches in the stable version is through the program menu and than manually opening the files or drag&dropping the files into the programming.
Also in the Standard-Apps per Filetype dialogue it does not even appear, only the two other installed versions 3.3 and 4.1-####:
Some registry weirdness going on here. The installer registers for the file extension “.vl” either “vvvv gamma” or “vvvv gamma preview” (if installing a preview) as an “application” - so that explains the two entries we see in the open with menu. Whenever you run the installer and check the file association checkbox it will update one of those two entries and let them point to the install folder.
However I’ve no idea why it wouldn’t pick up the association when we explicitly point it to an executable. It seems to behave in a “smart” way, looking up an “application” which fits the executable we selected and then taking that one.
I guess until this is not further understood you’ll need to run the installer of the version you want to have again.