Vertex Color from 3Dfile

Hi vvvvolks,

have an FBX, ABC(alembic) and OBJ - all the same geometry and VertexColor as attribute
I found this post and was optimistic but couldn’t undersand how to connect with loading files:

in theorie: I would build the vertex shader in vvvv but then I need a readable FileFormat so I found PLY and all the interessting nodes in VL.IO.PLY - there is now everything Points, Color, Faces … I have all lego bricks on the table but do not understand how to connect them (562.1 KB)

Does anybody has already brought VertexColors from a 3D File to VVVVgamma?
Does someone has a better idea?
is something existing I oversee?
Infos about VertexShaders / DrawShaderGraphs

THX CeeYaa

Hm, maybe just a reload error? this worked out of the box for me:

VertexColorTest2.vl (9.8 KB)

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