URGENT Azurer SpeechRecognizer not working

Hey, I need help with my SpeechToText application for my graduation project coming up next week. I had it running perfectly for month and somehow it broke yesterday. I just don´t know where the problem is.

first it just didn´t work on a new computer but now it isn´t running on my laptop as well. no error messages appear. Either something is wrong in the patch or the connection to Microsoft Azure isn´t alright. I tried everything (microphone, internet connection, new API keys, new Azure subscription, new vvvv version).

If anyone does have any experience with it, I would highly appreciate your help 🙏

SpeechToTextFinal.vl (140.3 KB)


I tried it and in my case there is this error in the DebugWindow:

Project Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech is not compatible with net8.0-windows7.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v8.0)
. Project Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech supports: monoandroid (MonoAndroid,Version=v0.0)

In your case to?

Regards Jakob

Yes, but that was there from the beginning and it did run for several month without a problem.
See this post: SpeechToText ErrorMesssages - vvvv gamma / question - Forum

Does anyone have a working API key and can test if it is working?
Or does anyone have an idea how to get it running on windows 11?

digging this up again…

i hoped the issue would go away at some point when the transition to net8.0 is finished. this being the case now (i guess), i tried it again with the latest of that microsoft.cognitiveservices.speech nuget (1.42.0). i also tried several older versions (down to 1.28.0)

this error is happening with all versions i tested (7.0-0032 & 7.0-0046):

looking at the nuget-folder, its lib/ folder looks good, i’d say:

a runtimes folder beside it also looks ok:

in visual studio, everything seems to play nicely with net8.0:

what could be the issue here? is there a workaround, like renaming a folder in lib/ or so? or forward everything in vs and compile it into a dll?

i have used azure speech recognition just yesterday on a new machine. here is my patch. it just asked to install the missing nuget and then worked fine. might give it a try

AzureSpeech.vl (26.1 KB)

gamm 6.7 stable btw. and thats the nuget:

what happens when you install the latest nuget? 1.42.0

i just tested, 1.3.0 is also working here in 7.0-0046. but it’s super old and lacks a lot of functionality

oh i see. yes it falls apart:(

is that somehow the reason?

Looks like we didn’t setup the nuget graph correctly which lead to this error. Fix in upcoming previews.

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Forgot to mention: was only looking at the compile error which @sebl reported, I did not look at the original issue/question asked here.

perfect, thanks