Universal Skeleton Bible

Hello evvvverybody, I hope the holidays have treated you all well and this message finds you rested.

Now, have you got a minute to talk about skeletons?

As you may or may not be aware of, there are a plethora of skeleton detection and tracking tools, devices and API’s out there: Kinect (v1, v2 and Azure), Nuitrack, Perception Neuron, Orbbec, ARKit, OpenPose, RealSense, the list goes on… Sadly however, literally none of these technologies is compatible with each other and everything from how many bones a skeleton has, to what each bone is called, to where they are in the body (just to name a few) differ from one API or device to the next.

In the end however the ideas, the scenarios in which we use these tools, and the functionality they provide share a lot of common ground, and if you have worked with more than one of these, it becomes clear quickly that having a standarized approach to skeletons does not only sound like a good idea, but should also be relatively achievable.

Knowing these things, and having worked with multiple of the available tools and plattforms out there, some members of the community started dreaming about a universal solution, some clean, well designed approach to make working with skeletons coming from different sources easy, intuitive and universal (restrictions apply). Some sort of Universal Skeleton Bible based on which all our beloved VL wrappers could be designed in order to make them compatible and interchangeable.

Since this is a rather large endeavor and it will have an impact on the general community, it makes sense for all of us, or at least those who are interested and work with these tools, to have a conversation and try to decide how to go forward in a way that benefits the most of us and covers the broad generality of usecases we have in our projects.

So, let’s gather and kickstart this effort, zoom, skype, jitsi, let’s work it out.

For this first meeting the general topics to go over will be (in no definitive order and open to change):

  • understanding why we need/want this generalization (what are the pros and cons)
  • what do we want to generalize: what is a skeleton and in which context it gets used
  • trying to think of an architecture that is flexible enough to be extended for specific needs (scenarios/devices/…)
  • imagine the wrapping layer for every device, made on top of this base architecture

The initial propopsition is to get together next Tuesday, Wednesday 13 2021, at 16:00 or 18:00 CET.

Two relpies below will have each time and date, please like the one that suits you best. We will decide the final time at the end of this Friday based on your votes/likes.

Also feel free to add any ideas or comments below.

Cheers and see you soon!


Wednesday 13 2021, at 16:00 CET.


Wednesday 13 2021, at 18:00 CET.


Amazing. Let’s finally tackle this! :D

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Apologies but we need to change the date to Wednesday January 13 2021. Same 2 time slots to vote on. I will update the post above and edit the dates on the subsequent comments. Please update your preference if it no longer matches your previous one.

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i would be interessted to participate, i know a thing or two about working with the skeleton data from kinect v1 and v2, i saw some leap hands, no idea about the other technologies… i also have not started VVVV since the NODE, but, yeah count me in!

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Hi @ravazquez, this one could be so interesting especially for stage events etc.

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Alright people, the votes are in:

We will meet tomorrow: Wednesday 13 2021 at 16:00 CET. (That is 4:00 PM Berlin time)

Plattform to be announced here and on the general chat closer to the time of the event.

See you then and there!

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Straight from CES 2021;

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Those are very interesting indeed @Cy_Bers, however just to clarify the purpose of this initiative is more around the underlying library designthat will allow information shared across mutlitple skeleton libraries.

We will probably not be talking much about implementing support for new skeleton VL libraries although our efforts will surely help on that direction.

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We are on NOW: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Thanks to everyone who joined us today! Big up to The Node Institute for helping out with the call infrastructure :)

We had a lengthy and very informing dicussion on many topics around skeletons and mo-cap.

A link to a messy minute of the meeting can be found here: Universal Skeleton Bible meeting notes - Google Docs

An element room can be found here for further discussion: https://app.element.io/#/room/#universalskeletonbible:matrix.org. Please do join if you are interested and feel free to post anything that may be relevant there.

Let’s keep this going!


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Have you been looking into this tool? seems like it has similar goals behind


Just stumbled upon that one:


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