Hi all,
I need to send a string to a 3rd party app to trigger an action. I tried using both NetSend node & UDP(Client) node but no luck. The Host address & port# are verified … is it possible ? or does it only work between vvvv computers ?
Hi all,
I need to send a string to a 3rd party app to trigger an action. I tried using both NetSend node & UDP(Client) node but no luck. The Host address & port# are verified … is it possible ? or does it only work between vvvv computers ?
that should work, the UDP nodes are just normal sockets… make shure the socket is not used by another application and that the string is correct (maybe also check the string encoding). to test the connection, open on both computers the UDP help patches to see if the connection works hardware wise.
Hi fische
You need to use the UDP (Network Server)
is has an output
followed by S+H (String)
see attached patch
UDP-recieve.v4p (3.4 kB)
ah sorry
ignore my last post and patch… I misread and Thought you needed to receive the signal…
always listen to tonfilm :)
Hi all,
I need to send a string to a 3rd party app to trigger an action. I tried using both NetSend node & UDP(Client) node but no luck. The Host address & port# are verified … is it possible ? or does it only work between vvvv computers ?
Hi tonfilm, sunep,
Thanks for the prompt advice …
The 3rd party app reside on the same computer as the vvvv patch. I tested to make sure the UDP connection is operational by adding UDP(Server) node to the patch … the connection seems to work fine … will keep hacking at it.