

Typewriter pluging allows you to manage Keyboard input with various techniques. Much simplier than Notepad. A bit clever than old TypewriterKalle)

It should understand windows keyboard layout and should be multilanguage. Russian goes well. How with yours?

Not tested at Vista and Win7.
Some bugs with key doubles still possible.
Some bugs with validation and error messages still possible.

patch by bo27
pluging code by Yuri Dolgov
thanks to Kalle & antokhio for post fx shader

Typewriter.rar (18.6 kB)

sweet! :)

working fine with german ümlauts.

one thing: if you hold shift, press and release a character while still holding shift the character is repeated like it would still be pressed. (if that sentence made any sense… )

cheers to all involved!

thanks! will fix

Wow, how cool :)

The Cursor position in output spread, that is the current editted slice of the spread, would be nice to also have a real current cursor location, so you can insert your own cursor or something.

What is “Key” for Validate outputs do?

And that scanlines/static shader should get a one way trip to the User Shaders (really cool one!!)

Awesome work, love the speed of it.

thank you West! there are some bugs still. they are easy to fix, but really have no time to compilie and upload now.

be nice to also have a real current cursor location, so you can insert your own cursor or something.
at Cursor input pin you can set any characters as cursor either as oldscool alt+ symbols but finaly visual depends on selected font
if you mean to show position as not only slice number, but symbol number too it’s not a problem but i don’t know why somebody may need it

What is “Key” for Validate outputs do?
if you set any string in Key intup. Validate as Key =1 only if user type in exactly settled string. it good for set passwords, modelling question games or questions with yes/no answers.
no need to show error messages (as i done at help patch)

And that scanlines/static shader should get a one way trip to the User Shaders (really cool one!!)
that’s Kalle’s shader! it’s in community already. find it here: http://vvvv.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=2104

sorry for bad english. a bit puzzled now)

fixed bugs:

if you hold shift, press and release a character while still holding shift the character is repeated like it would still be pressed.

separate by None, separate by Key when pressing Enter make new line in current slice (not new slice)

start up bug (not working if add to patch need to save and reload patch)

TypeWriter.dll (29.2 kB)

HI bo27 , cool i was looking forward to seeing that plugin for some time , i did a quick test and looks great , only thing i see or i dont understand it is the enter it makes one new slice first time i press but later i press and no more slices ,

will be cool an autoline option too ;D , in my typewriter tries i did a bad but working trick to achive that by using the wordwrap node .

anyway congrats ;D

hooray for quick turnaround times :)

thanks, bo!

thanks to elektromeier and sanch here is the second version of Typewriter pluging with preset text features.
Havvvve a fun! Again.

Typewriter.rar (17.9 kB)

as a workaround for use with bo27’s Typewriterplugin you can disable Keyboard (System Global) using WindowLists (Windows) to avoid accidental editing
