Hello vvvvolks. Haven’t been here since a long time and now back here with some troubles.
I need some advice for getting data from max to vvvv vie OSC.
Well, I am getting a stream of data from max. There are 4 separated parameters. Well, I wasn`t able to create my own patch for getting data - i’ve downloaded this one. UDP works, I get the data. But the problem is how to encode this. I am getting one stream with 4 parameters. Each parameter has an adress: adress/subadress. Bit if the sender prints the data he is sending to a txt-file, it looks like this:
adress dataXYZdigits subadress1
adress dataABCdigits subadress2
adress dataKLMdigits subadress3
adress dataOPRdigits subadress4
My patch would be able to encode one stream like:
But how can I split the data to 4 inputs? Especially because the order adress/data/subadress is not compatible with my patch. My patch convert the data in a strange way. The data should be digits from 0 up to 1.
I’m not sure I’ve described the problem good enough. I can give some more information of course.
I attach here the pach including the max-output and the data I could write in vvvv (txt-files).
I hope, somebody has any idea.
max_to_vvvv.zip (7.3 kB)