Hi, i m experiencing glitches with bezier paths for animation while using DX11 and D.O.P.E and vvvv 50beta37x86 .
i m on a small computer with intel graphics 560 ( a surface pro 4, with SSD), wich works uselly quite nicely.
Here is a little sample, and just with this simple sample ( having a DOPE sample running and a Point running along a bezier path for animation) i m experiencing random freezes for the animation along the bezier path, with big upload on prepargraph.
Well any laptop will have limited amount of bandwidth between processes or and hardware, i’ll check tomorrow your patch on hi-end desktop machine and let you know if there are any lags
i dont have any access to high performance mode. this glitch thing happen also on another laptop. especillay if i load a little bit the patch with other things
the projection is set on 1/3rd of the screen, so a little glitch became visually a big glitch :)
Big fat spikes in prepareGraph usually (at least multiple times for me last year) speak for garbage collection problems. You might wanna check if those spikes correlate with the counter of Gen 2 collection increasing via Process Explorer.
If yes, finding the culprit is tricky… don’t know any decent debugging methods for that, so I usually just remove nodes that seem suspicious till it stops freezing. Example would be a SegmentZ nodes with its resolution set too high.