I tried the other day to do a multi projection setup using a triplehead2go digital edition, it was set up as 3072 by 768 = 3xga in windos and windows made the resolution without any problem. I vvvv the renderer would only let med go to 2400 by 600 = 3svga.
for this particular project it was not a problem, but it might be in the future, any ideas on how to get the renderer recognize the resolutions?
I’ve used a triplehead2go digital edition many times with vvvv and the Fullscreen Dimensions drop down inside of inspector has always shown exactly what windows has shown. No problems switching to any of them either.
What video card are you using? I’ve always used various compatible nvidia cards and no problems.
I remember once having a problem with 3XHEAD2GO, the machine kept crashing when changing the res only inside of vvvv. I was using old drivers and downloaded new ones from web and installed and all was ok.
I am using a fresh out of the box new geforce 260gtx with the latest drivers downloaded from nvidias site. And i puzzles me that windows works fine with the highest resolution and not vvvv. perhaps because of it being vista?
I am wondering if it has anything to do with the resolution exceeding the resolution on a single link dvi or vga. Anyone having any experience with 3*XGA and the triplehead?
interesting, I will try that, unfortunately I will not be able to test untill some time next week (need more screens than I ahve with me here to test). I will report my findings.
i today tried to reproduce the problem you are describing - without success.
All resolutions available in windows were also available via inspector.
How exactly did you use the triple head to go ?
was it connected as primary or secondary monitor ?
was the triple head to go connected to the computer using DVI(Dual Link) or analog VGA ?
were the monitors connected to the triple head to go with DVI or VGA ?
what monitor/displays with did you connect with the triple head to go ?
My setup was:
WinXP / nvidia 8800GTX
triple head to go as primary (and only) monitor
DVI between PC and triple head to go
CRT-monitors connected with VGA to the triple head to go
The only problem i experienced was:
When using MatroxPowerDesk SE and setting the windows resolution and the vvvv fullscreen resolution to the same value (for example 3072x768) and then switching vvvv to fullscreen, fullscreen resolution falls back to 1024x768 (image is only shown on first triple head to go output).
When setting windows to 2400x600 switching vvvv to 3072x768 works without problems (but now vvvv 2400x600 fullscreen falls back to 1024x768).
This problem is of course different then the one you are describing … but perhaps there are similarities !?
Did you have windows resolution set to 3072x768 when this resolution was not available in Inspector ?
If yes - perhaps try setting windows to 2400x600 and then try selecting 3072x768 in inspector … just a guess/idea …
I was using the triplehead as secondary monitor in Vista 32bit.
it was connected via dual link dvi to the GPU (nvidia, geforce 260 GTX).
The projectors where all connected via DVI2VGA adaptors.
the projectors were Sony vpl-cx150*2 and one vpl-cx155.
Windows were running the triplehead in 3072*768.
When I get the chance to do a setup, next week, I will try making the setup, just with the triplehead as primary monitor and also see if it helps having windows in 2400*600, and other combinations thereof.
tested with triple head connected as secondary monitor … same thing.
Only difference is that one of my favorite old problems occurs:
Patch runs without problems having selected for example 3072x768 as triple head resolution for the seconmdary output.
If patch is saved and restarted resolution is set back to default 1024x768 (doesnt matter if saved in fullscreen or windowed mode).
so no way to start patch without opening inspector and manually setting resolution back to 3072x768
… very annoying.
Same old solutions:
either connecting a monitor with VGA and without DDC to the primary output and create a custom resolution of 3072x768 for this primary output
or connect another triple head to go to the primary output, this way a EDID for 3072x768 (supplied by the triple head to go) is also present at the primary output.
This way it is possible to restart the patch (even in fullscreen) at the desired resolution of 3072x768 on the secondary output.
Can you confirm these findings ? Have you been able to start your patch without having to set the “triple head resolution” manually with the inspector ?
concerning your favorite problem:
"- Patch runs without problems having selected for example 3072x768 as triple head resolution for the seconmdary output.
If patch is saved and restarted resolution is set back to default 1024x768 (doesnt matter if saved in fullscreen or windowed mode)."
you could try starting vvvv with the following commandline option:
/dda 1
would be interesting to hear if this solves the problem.
excactly, always had to set the resolution manualy in the inspector. however if needed it should be possible to use setpatch to do so automaticaly if automation is needed.
I was wondering if anyone has tried using two triplehead2go digital on the same computer. using a setup like that and putting the graphicsadapter in span mode one could, if it works, have one renderer covering 6 screens, which could be usefull when working with video and other texures over many screens. I can’t test it out myself since I only have one triplehead.
I have reports that it works with the analogue editions of triplehead and dualhead. and since the digital edition use dvi and usb for configuration it might not work with two of them on the same machine.
/dda 1 works perfect !!
What is it doing and are there any disadvantages starting vvvv with it ? If there are no disadvantages, perhaps this could become inbuilt default for starting vvvv ?
@ sunep:
I used two triple head to go digital edition connected to one graphics card in span mode (6x 1024x768).
In the end it worked (and still works) perfect, but I remeber I had some problems during configuration. I think I ended up connecting the USB of the triple heads to the computer only for configuration. Once configured, i attached the USB only to a USB-power supply. Without doing this i remember the matrox tool was messing up the setup at every boot. (but perhaps this is not necessary anymore … the current version of the matrox power desk tool seems to work much better then it does apprx. 1,5 years ago.
specifying /dda is a quick hack for a problem that needs some more in depth debugging one day. it is short for “dummy device adapter” and lets you set the adapter of the dummy-device that is created on startup (which defaults to adapter 0). it seems that this device is responsible for reading the available resolutions of the renderer, which it should not be, since the renderer is on the other monitor and should have its own device already…
anyway, while there is no disadvantage in using it as long as it works for you, including it by default would not be a general solution.