i’m using 40beta23 for some boygrouping and experience issues using S R nodes on the boygrouped machines.
on the server I have a few different values going into a few different S nodes. I then boygroup the S node. Then in other patches I’m using a number of boygrouped R nodes but experiencing issues with them receiving the correct S.
the SendString enumeration of any R-node has to be changed at least one time to create it’s description in the XML.
my workaround:
*i create the S-node (default SendString “devnul”
*i duplicate the S-node and set the SendString
*i create the R-node and select the appropriate SendString.
i assume that in some of your cases you created an R-node, looked at the Sendstring, but didn’t change it because the correct enumeration was already selected.
great, thanks loads kalle. sounds like that will solve the issue. Explains why sometime it seemed some R’s constantly received the correct S’s and other times not. Must have got luckly and selected the receive on the ones that worked.
it’s more the concept behind vvvv than a bug. when you know that pins in the XML are only created if you alter their value from the default value this behaviour is quite logical.
but the helppatches of all S/R nodes should point to that issue…