This works with chrome but not with Html Texture node

As Troubles to read images from an IP Camera based on VLC plug in - #15 by h99 - question - Forum, there could be a bug in Html Texture (URL) node.
The attached zip contains a patch with Html Texture URL node, html file, and the mp4 in lib\assets\video.
I can have chrome rendering the whole page as expected; html texture node renders text, but mp4 does not playback.

TTY says:

00:42:33 - : AsDesktop: 1920 x 1080
00:42:33 - : \.\DISPLAY1 AsDesktop Refresh Rate: 59

Thank you.

Tested with latest 32bit alpha and 34.1 32bit beta on W7 x64. (469.6 kB)

I found this

Probably related.

I converted the mp4 file with VP80 and Theora codecs.
These new ones do playback, but the mask for the player is broken since it doesn’t show play nor volume (nor fullscreen) button; anyway clicking where play\pause button is supposed to be, actually plays\pauses the content.
Attached file has a bit more info.

Ah! Html in patch should have been deleted or updated; either way, I forgot to do it. (981.7 kB)

A kind, not at all pressing, reminder.

@h99 please report your findings with latest alpha which has an updated html-texture…

Tried on same sys specs as first post, but with latest alpha.

So, mp4 is still not working.

Instead, for webm and ogg:

Given that webm video in image has evident issues (time); I dl and tried with a webm test file with audio.

Here everything works fine:

  • you have the controls’ mask showing up\disappearing when cursor is on\off it
  • play button works as expected
  • it is possible to click and drag or to simply click the time bar to jump to according time in video
  • volume button mutes\enable sound
  • volume bar: as for time bar, click and drag or just click does what you expect
  • fullscreen button gets you full screen inside renderer and back

I tried also “mute”, “poster” and “loop” attributes, they work as expected.

yo bro you tried the html-texture (dx11) contribution??? Might solve it, I generally find it better than normal htmltexture node…


cheers bra

@evvvvil Hey man, yes, thank you, but the whole point here is that if chrome plays h.264\mp4 files, Html Texture should be able to do that too (iirc what joreg said in another thread).
Plus, I found this in “collaboration” with karistouf (in the aforementioned thread he couldn’t stream with VLC node, iirc).
Also, the node is shipped with addonpack.
Summing it all up, I hope this is of some help for the devvvvs; from my side, no stress on this…

I always saw something else in my nickname (not going to say it, though). But never a bra. Now I can’t not see it. It and that. Eh…

We can’t ship the HTMLTexture node with H.264 support due to licensing restrictions. If you need it you’ll have to build CEF on your own and replace our shipped CEF files. For details have a look at our blog post