I’ve just begun learning vvvv, but my poor English is to slow to find what I need in such a great heap :)
So would you please help me understanding some basics. All forms of help (explanations, links, examples…) are greatfully accepted :)
Is there any script language here? If there is, how can I obtain it? Also, if there is, how can I convert scheme of rules (you call it “patch”?) into script file and vice versa?
Is there any oportunity of mixing vvvv with something like Delphi to make any kind of 2d and 3d modelling? I mean, if vvvv can recieve data generated online by other programs or not?
Can I make here something like complicated objects, consisting of more simple objects?
I’m highly interested in automatic projecting, because I have no time to make billions low level projects by hands :)
If you can provide your answer with some instances, it would be just great.
for a newbie you’ve got quite some plans! i think nobody here has even reached the border to 100 million projects. ;)
no there isn’t up to now. we already thought about how much work it would be to include some java script interpreter but i don’t see that in the near future.
difficult. you can communicate with other programs via tcp/ip, udp, osc, midi, but i think there is no modelling program which would support these. so the only way to interact with 3d programs is to export models (x-file) and load them afterwards into vvvv (node: XFile). but there is a module with which you also can model meshes from within vvvv. the module is called “PointEditor” and you can create it by double click in the patch and just typing the name. there is also a demo patch, which shows how to use this module:
\gilrpower+ Dynamic Mesh\MeshEditor Sample.v4p
spread the simple objects.
like quads or spheres. if you don’t know anything about spreads have a look at the tutorials. that’s the basic stuff you really have to learn. http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=Tutorial+Spreads
it should be possible to do something like “automatic projecting” with the node “CreateNode” which allows you to create / replace nodes generically. if you have a basic patch and then replace the nodes in this patch with CreateNode you could generate many different patches from one starting patch. but i think this is a topic which was not yet explored deeply. so i would NOT recommend at all to start with that.
Thanks for answer, Sebastian!
Frankly, I didn’t expect it so soon :)
Well, I have started investigating tutorials, so I like 4v more and more. It’s huge and really powerful. And really clear!
But still I cannot understand one important thing.
About “mixing vvvv with something like Delphi”
Imagine that I created a patch with any 2d or 3d model. And I want, using another user interface (made by another program), change some values of those models. For example, I want to set radius value, or some height, or width. Do I have any oportunities to do it online?
Saying more specifically, can 4v intercept any data flows, coming not from outside, but from my computer?
Oh, it’s better to call: rendering control from other user(program) interface.
I understand that 4v was not created for such purposes, but it would be very helpful in my scientific research.
Well, if I spend time on learning something, I experiment using it everywere ;)
many users connect devices like buttons, faderboxes and touchscreens to vvvv as it is much easier in vvvv as in other languages to do so. It is also quite possible to patch your own user interface in vvvv.
Alternative you can send and receive TCP or UDP strings in vvvv. so connecting would be very easy in most programming languages - Delphi + Indy would be extremely well suited to the task.
The next version will have some nice features for setting up vvvv as a web server, so you can control your patches in even more ways…
*for specialized, but high-performance functionality, there are pixelshaders and vertexshaders, which use a c/Assembler-like style. see pixelshader_for_newbies
*to ease the pain in a transition from macromedia products, you can integrate any flash movies into vvvv, with the full actionscript functionality. Neither fast nor elegant, but workable. Renderer (Flash) and it’s helppatch should help you out. (due to a bug, that feature’s incomplete for beta 9 - use version special 8.1 or wait for 9.1).
*I’ve also used javascript with the help of the renderer (HTML) node. Why not!
*with shellexecute (windows) you can run arbitrary programs and retrieve a result string. That basically opens the door for anything from PHP to whatever.
Is there any oportunity of mixing vvvv with something like Delphi to make any kind of 2d and 3d modelling?
*You can program your own DLLs for 2D-Bitmap operations via the Freeframe framework.
*You cannot at this time write your own nodes. Except if you apply for a development project at the meso labs, perhaps. We aim to make this possible - technically and financially - for skilled developers in the future, when their projects align with our roadmap.
can 4v intercept any data flows, coming not from outside, but from my computer?
Network communication like OSC, TCP/IP etc can come from remote computers, but does not have to. It can also be from a process running on the same machine, addressing “localhost”. Obviously that’s not as fast as .NET for example, but for most applications, it will suffice.