Let’s say that the right quad, deformed with the Homography node, is the look I wanna achieve. Can I apply some kind of Transformation on the Texture Transform in the Constant (EX9.effect) ??
or perhaps I can transform in some way the Texture Coordinates in the VertexBuffer (EX9.Geometry Join) ??
tex coords just get interpolated between vertices, you can’t apply perspective transformations on them. one way would be to have a very dens grid, that you dont see the interpolation. or you can render a geometry transformed by homography with DX9Texture…
tex coords just get interpolated between vertices, you can’t apply perspective transformations on them. one way would be to have a very dense grid, that you don’t see the interpolation. or you just render a geometry transformed by homography with DX9Texture…
I see! The problem is, I did’t know the amount of mesh before! And Render (Render->DX9Texture) is not spreadable, I think… :(
What about transform the Texture? If I can obtain the transformation coordinates from the homography, then I can have a spread of inverse transformation (and apply them on Texture Transform in the Constant (EX9.effect) ) perhaps. I’ll give a try
also texture transform has the same limitations… but you could apply the homography transformation in the shader to a 4D texture coordinate with (x, y, 0, 1) and then divide the x and y by the w component after. but i still believe that you need a quite dense grid… or try to do the transformation as described in the pixel shader. because there you have a coordinate for each pixel and not per vertex.