i saw this same issue on a machine recently. beta25.1, crack saying all green, but no Text.EX9. installed June 2010 SlimDX(i think) and it fixed. If not try some of the other recent releases.
No red nodes because the patch is not opening. It s like blocked by the Rendering phase.
The 2 times I succeded in opening it was just after having opened Particles…
System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: External component has thrown an exception.
at VVVV.Hosting.IVVVVHost.Log(TLogType Type, String Message)
at VVVV.Hosting.VVVVLogger.Log(LogType logType, String message)
at VVVV.Core.Logging.DefaultLogger.Log(LogType logType, String message)
at VVVV.Hosting.HDEHost.SerializeNodeInfoCache()
at VVVV.Hosting.HDEHost.FCacheTimer_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
so crack tells you that .net3.5 SP1 is missing but at the same time you can start vvvv and run the particles helppatch and see the particles? this is not how it supposed to be.
if crack should then also show you a downloadbutton for .net3.5 SP1 for you to install. ja?
hi joreg…
pdubost has the same problem on his machine than me.
from what i read, it sounds and MATCH exactly troubles i had :
if i make a clean, its says its cleaned and uninstalled, but vvvv works correctly ! ( a way to repair my installation and make text(EX9) working again, but not to fixing system and things of .NET hidden in windows )
for now of my poor experience and situation ( still having sames troubles, but doing with it )i would say:
-visual redistribuable dll is not the expected one in pdubost machine, and is conflicting with installation of several software, un-unabling there install, such as Quicktime
-maybe pdubost has all the time an updtodate wich is never succeed when he close his windows7
If its this, pdubost has no choice than reinstalling completely windows ( wich i cant do as i didnt make the 4 restauration dvd !!!)