I have to say I was really blown away when I saw the node documentation of Cables, which I think would be really helpful to have this also for Gamma, either in the gray book or in the help browser, or both.
And if there was such a section in the help browser - little patch areas with interactive examples of the nodes which can be copied and pasted over to the current document would be absolutely top-notch (or just help patches in a separate window, like in beta…)
A help patch “How to get / set Renderer/SceneWindow size” for Skia and Stride would be a great benefit as well which is a very popular question in the classroom. (ClientBounds)
I think it would be great if one can also find the “SetSlice”-Node in the “Manage Items in a spread” Helppatch. See an update proposal of the patch attachted: HowTo Manage Items in a Spread with SetSlice.vl (23.6 KB)
I would say, FromImage, and ImageTo should be consistent, either FromImage with different outputs to choose from, or ImageToSK ImageToStride. I never know if I am looking for a From or a To, and this goes with some other translation nodes.