I have some problems when i save a patch that contains a midi controller node, if i re-open it, the values linked to this midi controler shows 0, but in my controller shows, for example, 127.
i know that the midi controller don´t send continuous data, and when i load a patch i must to move each midicontrol to send the right value to vvvv.
What is the good way to store the right midi controller values of a patch without this problem?
for me i’ve come up with a solution where i can use the same IObox for Sending & Receiving Data. first, poor implementation in OSC, but can be easily adapted to MIDI. maybe it helps…
i thought about your problem again and come to the conclusion that i maybe shot to fast…
in the patch i’m sending the data from the IObox (vertical slider) to an OSC address and updating the same IObox with SetPatch because vvvv doesn’t allow multiple node inputs.
if the OSC nodes get replaced with MIDI nodes it would be possible to store your values inside the patch; if you open it the value gets instantly sent to the MIDI device and alter it remotely. works only for endless sliders or motor controlled sliders though.
…i think that’s all too complicated for this problemo, maybe someone knows a better solution. i guess this appears not only in combination with vvvv but in every situation where MIDI controllers are used. maybe the ZeroSL has a commando or setting to send all the values by pressing one button/ command.