Hey people! I have a node (a switch input node in my case … but it could be any node i suppose) that has a spread of 127 on one pin (the switch pin) and a speads of 2458 on the input pins. How can i isolate the switch input from the others ? ie i want the switch pin to stick to one slice in it’s spread while switching all slices on the input spreads…
if i understand correctly, you can use GetSlice to select the particular slice.
or maybe use Or (Boolean Spectral) to check, if any of the slices is 1.
Ok what i mean… well as u know when two or more spreads are connected to the one node the first slice is read from each and calculated then the second from each etc…
What i would like to do is just operated the switch with the spread on the switch node for 127 values but not get the first 127 values from the large spreads on the input pins. If for instance the switch input was high in one of the 127 slices then all of the slices on the input 1 are sent to the output. If another value of the 127 is low then the whole spread spread on input 0 is sent to output.