with the help of the tutorial of jurgen scheible i was able to write a little python program (which runs on my nokia 6630) that sends the newest sms via bt to the pc.
so far so good :)
my problem is now that with hyperterminal (the one shipped with windows xp) everything works fine. but with vvvv i can get no connection so far.
so i started to analyse with a Serial Monitor Lite the communication between my mobile and hyperterminal … after this little analye i think it’s rather a communication problem between the applications.
another strange thing is:
Serial Monitor Lite tells me, vvvv is not opening a serial port at all … but eg arduino or other stuff is working fine.
so any idea why vvvv can’t communicate with my mobile but hyperterminal can do it? rs232-über-strangeness?
while all that bluetooth stuff is nice and should work without problems, yet another option would be using an external service which receives sms and provides them via HTTP http://www.google.com/search?q=sms+web+gateway.
(or wait for the new SQL nodes, and get your python hacker to put the sms into a sql database)
sms gateway is no solution, there will be no internet
analysed again the whole problem with serial monitor …
*if i open "Standardmßige Seriell-über-bluetooth-Verbindung (COM11) with hyperterminal, serial monitor reports me “Port opened by process hyperterminal.exe” … and it stays open until i disconnect with hyperterminal.
*with vvvv just nothing happens (and of course hyperterminal is not running). but if i use vvvv with arduino on “USB Serial Port (COM4)”. serial monitor is reporting “Port opened by process vvvv.exe”. Why can vvvv only open COM4 and not the bt COMS?
*btw processing cant handle the communication, too. serial monitor report there a opening port followed by a immediately closing.