Hi I had this error… I’m trying to read an image, resize it and convert it to a byte sequence.
Read file, transform and resize
Transform and Resize
Unhandled Exception: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at SkiaSharp.SkiaApi.sk_image_new_from_bitmap(IntPtr cbitmap)
at SkiaSharp.SKImage.FromBitmap(SKBitmap bitmap)
at _VL_Skia_.Graphics.Skia.IO.ImageReader_UC1s8DxbdtUNPDaHW24IK1.Update(Path Filename_In, ReadingMethod Reading_Method_In, Boolean Load_In, SKImage& Output_Out)
at _SkoobApp_.CreateImageByteStream_N6tLcK1JYrwNafNGSFIxKo.Update(Path Filename_In, Int32 Width_In, Int32 Height_In, Byte[]& Output_Out, Boolean& Has_Changed_Out, SKImage& Sized_Output_Out)
at _SkoobApp_.UploadProxy_SqsvZRlO45hNlDcPWausPZ.Update(String Url_In, Path Filename_In, Int32 Width_In, Int32 Height_In, Boolean& Uploaded_Out)
at _SkoobApp_.Uploading_T7KQ76ZJwXzL18EVF2j1L0.Update(Path Input_In, Boolean Send_In)
I äm guessing the image hasn’t all been read when the call is made on the data. This is a pretty low-powered PC so the speed throws up this issue more often but I think it happens on the production machine too.
A couple questions :
- Is there a way to confirm that the image has been read entirely?
- What do the read methods of the ImageReader do?
- Could caching an offscreen renderer mean it may fail to finish creating the new SkiaImage before the frame loop is complete?
Thanks and all the best,