How can i IGNORE or SKIP a current vector position in input structuredBuffer in a compute shader? Compute take in a “structureBuffer input” as input check if current input(dtid.x).z is 0 and if it is then it should IGNORE / SKIP or SIFT the current input(dtid.x) and move on top next one. ( should be [ it’s forreadability on forum…
FINAL PRODUCT is a backbuffer SMALLER than the input buffer in slice count.
Is that even possible?
This is the equivalent to do using = and SELECT node, but gpu accelerated in compute shader… I tried “return” to skip but with no luck?
tmp, thank you so much bro! that is exactly what I was looking for! wicked stuff. Can I be cheeky and ask you if you know how I can get the appendStructuredBuffer appended ELEMENT COUNT SIZE? or is it imposible since it’s the appendStructuresBuffer’s buffer renderer element count that dictate the element count?
I am trying to find out how many element have been appended, and how many have been dropped / ignored / failed condition. Could i do a counter in float and get that somehow in another buffer? or use another compute to count? cheers
I will flag your answer as answer but just thought I would ask a bit more detail. Thank already man