I’m running into an intermittent bug that I can’t reproduce in a small patch, it only appears in my large show patch with many textures, renderers and texturefx.
I’m running 45beta34.1 in /dx9ex mode
The bug is when using sharedtexture to send a video stream (in this case Kinect RGB texture) across two monitors. Often when starting the patch I get no texture (white quad) on the second monitor. If I disconnect and reconnect the handle pin of Info to Sharedtexture I get the following error in TTY:
00:01:21 : E_INVALIDARG: An Invalid parameter was passed to the returning function (-2147024809) Handle: 214743648 Format: X8R8G8B8
The strange thing is I can fix it if I put a renderer/DX9Texture upstream, open the renderer with the inspector, and randomly change some options. Literally sometimes if I change anti-aliasing it works, sometimes if I change texture format it works.
My best guess is it’s an out of range error on the handle pin data type, either on the Info or Sharedtexture. And by changing those options it generates a new handle which eventually is in range.
@joreg, just be sure, have you fixed it on x64 too? I have noticed the same behavior on x64.
As well as the handle flickering between two values. This I when using videoin and videotexture.
It can be fixed by rendering the texture to a new texture. All this is dx9