November 1, 2022, 1:49pm
To reproduce:
create a folder with a VL file and a “shaders” folder
open the VL file and then after add a .sdsl file
the fx is not available on the Node Browser
restart the VL file and then the fx is available
Apparently it depends whether Stride has been added as a dependency before or after adding the file, which may not be considered a bug after all.
Shader files (and their nodes) are picked up by VL.Stride not by vvvv. So that might be correct…
November 1, 2022, 3:43pm
Yes but the Shaders are not recognized if they are added after Stride is added as a dependency while they are picked up if the dependency is added afterwards so to reproduce:
create a folder with a VL file and a “shaders” folder
open the VL file
add Stride as dependency
add a .sdsl file
the fx is not available on the Node Browser
restart the VL file and then the fx is available
Does not seem completely correct.
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November 1, 2023, 3:44pm
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