has anyone ever tried to get the raw data of a mouse device into vvvv?
i’d like to use the mouse independently of its use within windows (especially the clamping on the screen’s border is aweful) and also add a second mouse for my left hand.
As far as I know you cant use more than one mouse in windows. Just try to plug a second - it will overwrite the former one. I guess its deep in Windows architecture.
Try the wonderful Spacemouse from 3dconnexion, which you can use as a second mouse device - for 3d navigation or in V4 for whatever you want.
however, to use the api one has to know a hwndTarget - that’s an int identifier for a specific window. and only if that window is active the lib is doing what it’s supposed to do.
since i seem to have no access to the window handle of neither the plugin host nor any other handle kinda fail on this task.
edit: Using Raw Input from C# to handle multiple keyboards- CodeProject is showing a very similar way to do it with multiple keyboards. by setting some flags they capture all input and identify the keyboard it came from, regardless of the active window.
however, even then a windows handler is needed.
if you just need any windows handle wouldn’t it work to just create a window inside the plugin, hide it and use its handle? if the window must be visible…hmm…since there is no always visible root window this could be a problem.