Search on instagram hashtag

Hi vvvvorum and guys!

For the third day trying to get photos with instagram. Used HTTML and Json.

Every time it turns out some nonsense. Can anyone tell me where to start?



Look at this link - evvvvil-tweet-engine
There’s even more)))


Hi =)
I did it
This is my patch

instagram.v4p (12.4 kB)

For this kind of web based stuff like twitter, Instagram and Facebook i find it way more convenient to have a little ruby script running. Could even be launched by a shellexecute. Notice how little code is needed to get it running.

Snippet for instagram (saves images as jpgs - which i guess is actually not allowed but possible anyway):

require "instagram"
require "open-uri"

Instagram.configure do |config|
  config.client_id = "ENTER ID"
  config.client_secret = "ENTER SECRET"

instagram_client = Instagram.client()
tags = instagram_client.tag_search('HASHTAG')
urls =

for media_item in instagram_client.tag_recent_media(tags[0](0).name)
  urls << media_item.images.standard_resolution.url

urls.each_with_index do |url, idx|
	puts url
	path = Dir.pwd + "/#{idx}.jpg"
	open(path, 'wb') do |file|
		file << open(url).read


require 'twitter'

- twitter tokens
twitter_config = {
  consumer_key:    "",
  consumer_secret: "",
  access_token:    "",
  access_token_secret: "",
tweet_count = 15 #tweet count per search
client = #client object used for queries
- search options
search_string = "#HASHTAG -rt"
search_options = {
	result_type: "recent",
	lang: "en",
	#since_id: 0,

- do some search and print to console
results =, search_options).take(tweet_count)
results.each do |tweet|
  puts tweet.user.screen_name
  puts tweet.text

Hi @ethermammoth
where you want to insert this instagram script?

this is run in ruby, not vvvv. So you need the ruby environment installed on your machine. here you can find an installer for windows -

Oh thank you!
Now I download and use.
I will write the result later.

I’ve got a few questions:

  1. It is necessary to do in interactive ruby ?
  2. ID,Secret and Hashtag must be entered, those that I have received in instagram?
    Thank you.

  1. it’s not necessary.

Just create a txt file. Put the code inside and save it with ending .rb

You can open it from commandline (CMD), if you have added the necessary environment variables. Or even use a shellexecute from within vvvv to run a little .bat file with the line “ruby yoursciptname.rb”

  1. enter the client id and secret. The hashtag is the stuff you want to search for. The code snippet is an example of a hashtag image search on instagram. If you want to get all the images from a certain user try to search on google. There are thousand ruby examples for this stuff-

I understand you correctly, if I want to find all the images with the hashtag “Mom”, then need the following code in ruby:

require "instagram"
require "open-uri"
Instagram.configure do |config|
  config.client_id = "My ID in Instagram"
  config.client_secret = "Mt SECRET in Instagram"
instagram_client = Instagram.client()
tags = instagram_client.tag_search('Mom')
urls =
for media_item in instagram_client.tag_recent_media(tags[0](0).name)
  urls << media_item.images.standard_resolution.url
urls.each_with_index do |url, idx|
    puts url
    path = Dir.pwd + "/#{idx}.jpg"
    open(path, 'wb') do |file|
        file << open(url).read