Rulr Tutorials or other Kinect 2 + Projector Calibration

Does anyone here have any Rulr video tutorials or session videos? Everything I’ve seen is Hackpad links which all redirect to Dropbox Paper landing page, even when logged into Dropbox.

Or, any vvvv Kinect 2 + Projector calibration? Elliot Woods posted several video guides to his Kinect + CalibrateProjector workflows, but they’re for Kinect 1 with OpenNI, and also I can’t find the special patches he made for it.

let’s try to get @elliotwoods on this…

Sorry to bug you @antokhio, could you share any info on working with it? Found a Youtube video with your name listed as leading a workshop on it.

Also if it’s still somehow possible to get into Hackpad, @nrsz said there are Rulr videos at this link:

Hi, don’t have kinect or projector at the moment to do a full video… but ill try to do quick doc when I’m able…

unfortunately all of the hackpad links stopped working, even the download link on is going nowhere…
@elliotwoods - would be great to know what’s plan for rulr!

@antokhio - anything you can provide is appreciated. I’ve seen a few other posts asking about calibration and Rulr so I’m sure others will find it helpful. Definitely didn’t expect you to build out a whole video. But if you get bored someday…

@nrsz - thanks for clarifying.

I’m not surprised Elliot isn’t responding as Kimchi and Chips is wrapping up their latest project, Halo. The Creative Applications Network writeup says they used Rulr, so there’s hope.

Hi here is few screenshots describing procedure, as i remember it…

Ways of Seeing with Computers workshop (Rulr workshop), NODE 15 | vvvv < start here

don’t remember where is export for the matrices but i think it shows up after you calibrate it
if you stuck somewhere post screenshots will check…

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Thanks for the lead. Unfortunately, ran into a few issues.

  • I couldn’t get Visual Studio 2015 x64 Runtime to install due to having another version installed (I assume 2017). No problem with 2013, oddly.

  • When I open the Rulr application I get this message (though the Kinect camera still shows up in the Rulr preview):

***** VIDEOINPUT LIBRARY - 0.2000 - TFW2013 *****

SETUP: Setting up device 1
ERROR - Could not find specified video device

SETUP: Disconnecting device 1
SETUP: freeing Control
SETUP: freeing Capture Graph
SETUP: freeing Main Graph
SETUP: Device 1 disconnected and freed

[warning] ofxMachineVision::Device::VideoInput::open: VideoInput. implements Exposure as a normalised range 0…1000. I.e. ignoring the unit us.

[warning] ofxMachineVision::Grabber::Simple::setTriggerMode: Device requires Triggering to use this function.

[warning] ofxMachineVision::Device::VideoInput::startCapture: startCapture is not used with VideoInput.

[ error ] ofxMachineVision::Device::VideoInput::setSharpness: Error with setting sharpness, videoInput seems to be incompatible with this property right now

[ error ] ofxMachineVision::Device::VideoInput::setSharpness: Error with setting sharpness, videoInput seems to be incompatible with this property right now

[ error ] ofxMachineVision::Device::VideoInput::setSharpness: Error with setting sharpness, videoInput seems to be incompatible with this property right now

[ error ] ofxGraycode::DataSet::load failed to open file

  • When I click “Add Capture” I get the following message:

Node [Procedure::Calibrate::ProjectorFromKinectV2] is missing connection [Device::VideoOutput]

Catching up…
Yes sorry about the hackpad thing. Dropbox moved all the content over to their own system which is less easy to share publicly.

Some links (videos embedded there):

The errors you mention are related to not being able to open a webcam at index 1. In the Kinect<>Projector patch there shouldn’t need to be any such connection

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Here’s a recent build of Rulr including the KinectForWindows2 nodes:

I haven’t tested here as I dont have a kinect to hand right now - but hopefully this helps

@antokhio - if you do have time to make a video that would be really fantastic!


Another note : we had trouble during that workshop importing the projection calibrations into VVVV, but recently I worked on a project with importing projectors where it worked fine. So it should be fixed in this recent upload.

Awesome, thanks so much! Hopefully have time to explore it soon.

Just trying to follow. I’m getting the error that hdf5.dll is missing… if I just knew where to find it…

@drehwurm I found this: which enabled me to run it…

Thanks @clmns that helped a lot :-)

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