I have my audiocard with 2 microphons and i use audioin (bass asio). I put 2 channels in channels count to have stereo. Than i connect it with RMS (bass). This node is very precise in the data output. I like it.
My problem:
With RMS (bass) i don’t know how i can take left and right. I mean with RMS (DShow9) it is simple, i can use for example vector 2d for take these information. But with RMS (bass) don’t nothing appears! I can use FFT (bass) but it is more inaccurate for what i need!
Now for the microphones are ok with VVVV.Audio.
I saw that with Filestream (VAudio) does not always work. For example i can’t connect with VSThot because it crash or not work together! or when i call the node and i put play it not respond. Nothing happens!
If i have a sound track and with filestream (Vaudio) i open it and then i want change, for example, the frequency. How i can do it? with VSThot? but don’t work me together …