Hello, I did a reinstall of 4v on windows7 32bits, on my old hp pavillon ze4900.
When I run setup, all boxes are green, but when I run 4v and call a new renderer (Ex9) node, nothing appears. Other nodes are openned and seems to work fine.
Can somebody help me to make renderer work ?
Did you use 7zip to unzip?
I used 7zip today, what I didn’t first time.
I still had the problem when I reinstall 4v. For now 4v is working well executing as win XP SP3 compatibility. It seems to be a problem with win7 and my old graphic card
compatibility because I don’t use the original driver to make it works under win7.
Maybe !??
Thanks for help
graphic-card driver sounds very likely to be the problem. can you create a Renderer (TTY) before creating the Renderer (EX9) and then let us know what the tty spits out?