Regex in VL

Are there any examples around on how to deal with regular expressions in VL?

Answer from @gregsn in the chat:

The node IsEmail is patched. It was just something I wanted to try out. I wanted to compare the readabilty of the patch with that of the regex string… And picked a non-trivial defined example. Anyway.

Maybe try to learn the regex ideas and try to apply them via the node set. They are available as Experimental nodes

Would be great to have some feedback on the usability of those. And maybe even make them non-experimental if they are of value

I use Regex extensively in Gamma. After learning Regex, my life became a lot easier. What exactly are you interested in? Gamma is full of regex nodes.

The IsEmail node looks a bit insane)

can recommend to cook your string in online editors like

For example, you can check out day 3 of the Advent of Code:

If you need a real-world example, I can help you solve your problem. Just state the problem here and I will show you how to solve it.

Thanks, I am basically interested in using Regex in general, as I am missing a help patch about it. Which nodes are you referring to?

For a start something very simple, like checking if a String contains a number or so.

I want to make this very clear: regex has nothing to do with VVVV. If you want to learn how to work with regular expressions, it is done in a video on youtube and in an online editor. Once you understand the principle and what it is, the use of regular expressions in all languages (and some text editors) becomes extremely transparent (unlike the patterns themselves, of course).

RegexExplained.vl (20.9 KB)

Another and very important use of regular expressions is to work on file paths. It saved me hours of work when I was working with image sequences.


Thanks, that was always clear to me at least. Maybe your help patch is worth to be added to the help browser? Would you be fine with that?

Of course. Study it, ask questions, we can expand on it while you are learning about the topic. And then it will be especially valuable.