Recording in correct FPS | Radiohead HoC

Hello there,
I have been trying and fiddling with the Radiohead House of Cards 3d Data, loading it into vvvv. I know im late, but whatever…

This is my first project and im trying to use the process to learn about cam control,timeliner, and so on… well i just needed a project to be motivated and focused.

The problems i have come across are:

  1. How do i find out the indices the data creates, it tells me the amount in the output pin but i cant transfer it to a mesh join.

…Because of this ive started to use the Box primitiv.

  1. After setting up a counter, reading all the .cvs Data from 1 to 2101. Ive added a writer module to the renderer trying to render each .cvs Data image as 1 of 30 Frames per Second.

"HoC Readme

This archive contains CSV point cloud data files. There is one CSV file per frame and they sync at 30 fps.

The format is:



The writer node is set to 30fps and ive already tried to ad a Mainloop node, without succes.
It seems that each frame will be rendered, one after the other, but each time i try to add the music on top of the image sequence in After Effects, its not sync.

Plz help me, getting this to work after all will give me tons of motivation working more with this great app :>

I hope the patches run on your systems…

radioheadComp3_1 Composition…
radiohead_1 The Datareading patch
Hd switch well a hd switch

– sorry for not using usual naming



radiohead HoC.rar (193.2 kB)

men im impress!
try vith sony vegas, it very easy to chage the speed of the video to see if you can match the audio, this its not a solucion, but at lest you can know if it slow or too fast, if you can sync the end of your video with the end of the song still its out of sync, yo migh be loosing frames …
( this is a very basic opinion for the litle i know regarding video editing, )

it posible to use a cros of a dot insted of a box ?
its a realy heavy patch, i render at 1680x1050 and i with my pc i cant get more than 1 frame after 2 seconds


thanks for the possitive feedback and fast reply.

{CODE(ln=>1)}men im impress!
try vith sony vegas, it very easy to chage the speed of the video to see if you can match the audio, this its not a solucion, but at lest you can know if it slow or too fast, if you can sync the end of your video with the end of the song still its out of sync, yo migh be loosing frames …^

I cant really tell if frames are being dropped, i remember rendering some time ago having the exact amonunt of frames i needed, but still not sync. if tried speeding it up and slowing it down already in AE, so in my opinion it is possible that some frames are double rendered.

{CODE(ln=>1)}it posible to use a cros of a dot insted of a box ?^

A cross of a dot? Do you mean like a GDI cross? that would be 2d wouldnt it? Ive created a mesh based on a grid, as i said i had to guess the amount of indices, could not figure out how do pass them the right way.

In my opinion something about the counter, reading the files is wrong, it should wait for each file to be rendered then written, and the open the next file. As alreasy mentioned it seems to do that while rendering.

I will attach the Mesh based File for you, maybe someone could tell me how to do this the right way(indices)…
[you will need the patches in the .rar above](you will need the patches in the .rar above)



(ps… how do i quote?) ;)

radioheadComp2.v4p (11.5 kB)

you are trying to sync with HouseOfCards_DataSample.mp3 rigth ?
that file its 1 min 07seg , so at 30fps you shoud have between 2011 and 2012 frames
how many render images do you have on your output?

i dont mean 2d, i mean 3d, its any way to create a “dot” in 3d in vvvv ? like the original video…

try to make all the rendering in 160x120 pix, and if it works then go with 1920x1080

Ok… ive done it :) its sync. After you suggested that it might be a AE problem ive simply pre-rendered the png files into a avi file in virtual dub, adding just the HouseOfCards_DataSample.mp3 in AE.

Very simple solution there… i could puke… i already had rendered versions in 3*hd resolution. Deleted them cuz i thought that frames have been dropped.

WIP radiohead - House of Cards in vvvv from gegenlicht on Vimeo.
(embeding not possible in here? )

WIP radiohead - House of Cards in vvvv

Anyway, thx for pointing me in the right direction there…

Now i can focus on trying some fft recorder data/timeliner/camera animation on this one…

Btw is there still no possibility to render to images + antialiasing?


oh yeah…

it would still help a lot to get more infos on this:

  1. How do i find out the indices the data creates, it tells me the amount in the output pin but i cant transfer it to a mesh join.

And/or mistakes you find in the patches… for example the datareader patch…

